Edited Volumes
Religion in American History and Politics: Women’s Voices, ed. (Ashbrook Press: 2019).
Documents and Debates in American History and Government: Volume 1, 1493-1865, ed. (Ashbrook Press: 2018).
Religion in American History and Politics: 25 Core Documents, co-edited with David Tucker and Ellen Deitz Tucker (Ashbrook Press: 2016).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“James Madison, Religious Liberty, and Union.” History of Political Thought Volume 39, Number 4, 2018, pp. 690-718(29).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Religion and Revolution in New England: 1689,” in The Worlds of William Penn, Andrew R. Murphy and John Smolenski, eds. (Rutgers University Press: 2019).
“‘Glory in the Fight’: Frederick Douglass and the Revival of Republican Religion,” in The Rhetoric of Civil Religion: Symbols, Sinners, and Saints, Jason Edwards and Joseph Valenzano, eds. (Lexington Books: 2016).
“Law and Civil Interest: William Penn’s Tolerationism,” co-authored with Andrew R. Murphy, in Religious Tolerance: Early Modern and Contemporary Perspectives, Eliane Glaser, ed. (Palgrave: 2013).
Invited Essays
“Whose Rebellion? Reformed Resistance Theory in Early America: Part I,” Co-authored with Mark David Hall, in Unio cum Christo 3.2, October 2017.
“Whose Rebellion? Reformed Resistance Theory in Early America: Part II,” Co-authored with Mark David Hall, in Unio cum Christo 4.1, April 2018.
Review of Spencer W. McBride, Pulpit and Nation: Clergymen and the Politics of Revolutionary America (University of Virginia Press) in Journal of Church and State, Vol. 60, Issue 4, 1 November 2018, Pages 762–764.
Review of Mary A. Hackett, et.al., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series, Vol. 10: 1 July-31 December 1805 (University of Virginia Press) in New York History 96.1 Winter 2015, 156-159.
Review of David B. Mattern, et.al., The Papers of James Madison: Retirement Series, Vol. 2: 1 February 1820-26 February 1823 (University of Virginia Press) in New York History 95.3 Summer 2014, 508-510.